Brad Thor’s Next Scot Harvath Thriller, ‘Use Of Force,’ To Hit Bookstores Next Summer (With Link To Pre-Order)

Brad-Thor2.jpgBrad Thor, one of the best thriller authors on the planet, has already written sixteen novels. Fifteen of those books, including this year’s Foreign Agent, are part of Thor’s bestselling Scot Harvath series.

While other long-running franchises eventually start to lose their steam and go down in quality, Thor, amazingly, continues to get better over time. With no indication that he’ll slow down anytime soon, the author just announced his next novel, Use of Force, which is scheduled to hit bookstores everywhere next summer.

In what is yet another example of why we encourage everyone to sign up for the free Brad Thor Newsletter, which you can do by clicking here, Thor announced the news to his fans first, writing:

Use of Force will be released in June of 2017 and takes Scot Harvath on one of his most dangerous assignments yet. I am bringing back some of your favorite, most beloved characters and introducing some of the baddest ‘bad’ guys I have ever created,” before adding that the sixteenth Harvath novel will “challenge everything you know about the worlds of terrorism and espionage.”

In Foreign Agent, Thor brought back a handful of characters from his third novel, State of the Union, which was published in 2004, providing a treat for long-time fans of his series. So while we don’t know any plot details yet, it’s never too soon to get excited about past characters making their return.

Also, because of how Foreign Agent left off (no spoilers, don’t worry!), Harvath’s world is in for some changes. How that will all play out remains to be seen, and is something fans are undoubtedly excited to find out.

For those fans who are already anxious to get your hands on Use of Force, you can pre-order it by clicking here.

(Note: Thor’s newsletter says that Use of Force will come out in June of 2017, but the Amazon listing is currently set for a July 4th, 2017 release. I’ll check with the publisher and update this article when an official pub day is announced.)

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