Featured Review: ‘Feared’ by Lisa Scottoline


fearedRosato & DiNunzio return with a bang in Lisa Scottoline’s Feared

Things aren’t going so hot for the predominantly female-driven law firm headed up by Bennie Rosato and Mary DiNunzio, who are now accused of being sexist and are being sued by three men who claim they weren’t offered employment based solely on their sex. John Foxman, their lone male associate, is on their side — until he suddenly isn’t. After making his own claims about working conditions and the way he feels he’s treated by his co-workers, he quits the firm. 

Behind the scenes, South Philadelphia-based attorney Nick Machiavelli is pulling the strings of the accusers, and even goes so far as to hold a public press conference condemning Rosato and DiNunzio’s practice, raising questions about their ethics and integrity.  As clients flee their firm in light of the claims, neither Bennie or Mary can figure out Machiavelli’s motive for trying to destroy them. Previously, Mary beat him once in court, but is that enough to make the guy go all-out, stop-at-nothing to bring her down? Complicating matters more is the fact that another associate, Judy Carrier, has been engaging in a romantic relationship with John, which she breaks off after things go south with the firm. Tragically, Foxman is murdered a short while later, and Detective Krakoff, who was assigned to the case, traces John’s footsteps right back to the messy breakup, which was witnessed by several people who corroborate the story. 

And just like that, Rosato and DiNunzio are accused of reverse-discrimination, and Judy becomes the prime suspect in the murder of one of their former associates who admitted the claims weren’t unfounded, which only makes their firm look worse in the court of public opinion. 

Thankfully, the court of public opinion is subjective. . . and Rosato and DiNunzio shine in the actual courtroom, where they’re hellbent on defending themselves from the frivolous lawsuit. However, as the story unfolds, Nick Machiavelli proves to be a worthy adversary, setting up an epic showdown that does not disappoint.

Upset and pushed beyond their limits, Rosato and DiNunzio begin to hit back, and in the process find out that while it’s great to be loved. . . sometimes it’s better to be feared. 

Before she was one of America’s favorite authors, Scottoline clerked for judges at the state and federal appellate courts, then went on to become a litigator at a Philadelphia law firm. Her background and experience as an attorney bleed onto every page, blending perfectly with her natural storytelling ability. Longtime fans will enjoy seeing a bit more of Mary DiNunzio in this one, as she takes point early on while Scottoline continues to expertly develop and flesh out her characters. Her battles with Machiavelli, who might just be the best antagonist of the series so far, are as good as anything else you’ll find in bookstores this summer.

Nobody delivers as consistently as Lisa Scottoline, who has outdone herself with Feared, one of her strongest novels yet and an absolute must-read for all fans of legal thrillers. 

Book Details

Author: Lisa Scottoline 
Series: Rosato & DiNunzio #6
Pages: 400 (Hardcover)
ISBN: 1250099595
Publisher: St. Martin’s Press
Release Date: August 14, 2018
Book Spy Rating: 8.5/10



Praised as “one of today’s finest book reviewers” by New York Times bestselling author Gayle Lynds, Ryan Steck (“The Godfather of the thriller genre” — Ben Coes) has “quickly established himself as the authority on mysteries and thrillers” (Author A.J. Tata). He currently lives in Southwest Michigan with his wife and their six children.

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